Data Privacy Policy
This Data Privacy Policy is an additional part of our Data Protection Policy, especially designed for web based application, in particular for our website features:
- Memberships form
- Contact us form
- Cookies and tracking web items for security purposes
LFMA - New Membership Form
There are two classes of membership, NATIONAL and ASSOCIATE:
- National Membership shall be open to those who are engaged in financial markets together with those working in an area directly related to these activities. They can be self-employed, work in a Bank or in any institution supervised by an official regulatory body, e.g. the CSSF Luxembourg.
- Associate membership may be offered to those who do not meet the criteria given in a) above, but are felt by the National Association to have a role to play in the Association.
A full description of the two membership categories can be found in our statutes which are available on this website.
The annual fees (from 1 January to 31 December) for the NATIONAL and ASSOCIATE are €150 as approved during the General Assembly hold on January 18th, 2024. Applications for new members need to be proposed by 2 LFMA’s Board Members and then receive the final approval by the Board at next Board meeting.
A full description on the membership categories and the differences can be found in our statutes. National and associate members have full voting rights at the AGM in Luxembourg and can attend the educational and networking events of LFMA.
All existing members have to pay their fees as soon as possible and by latest end of June (Article 5 of LFMA’s statutes) to the following account:
BCEE Luxembourg IBAN LU63 0019 0038 4275 5000 / BIC: BCEELULL
Members who haven’t settled their yearly fees unfortunately will not be able to attend our events and enjoy all other members’ benefits and activities.
Once membership fees are settled, and upon your request, an invoice can be issued and emailed by LFMA.